Tuesday, April 29, 2008

I have created a web site, it is easier to navigate.
Please check it out

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Manifesting Your Dreams, Using EFT
Rev. Kathy Kerston

Tuesday from 7:30pm - 9-00pm
May 6,13,20,27

This class will take the principles of Abraham (Ask and it IS given) by Esther Hicks, and combine them with EFT. The purpose of this class will be to access that part of our brain that will lift our spirits, erase our doubts and overcome sabotaging attitudes that have gotten in the way of us realizing our dreams. EFT will be used as a tool to raise our vibration and make the process of manifestation much easier.
This class promises to not only be informative but dynamic and exciting with the changes that will come about. I look forward to working with you all in an expansion of consciousness.
Blessings, Kathy
Hi everyone. Remember that from now, April 21st, till the end of May, we have Jupiter, the great benefactor, making a wonderful angle to Uranus, the planet of freedom.
This aspect gives us all, the opportunity to release old beliefs, attitudes and memories, that have been limiting and restricting us. Jupiter gives us the faith to do it NOW! this aspect will repeat in November. To activate this energy, place your index finger, your Jupiter finger, in a cricle with your thumb, the earth. As you do this affirm that you are ready to accept the gifts that Jupiter is offering you and step into your new life, free from the past.
Blessings, Kathy

Thursday, January 10, 2008

USA and Stock Market Charts

States Chart Overview for 2008

The most significant changes during this century will be brought about by Pluto’s transit into the sign of Capricorn, which has not happened since around 1763/1779. Pluto is at 28 degrees of Capricorn in the chart of the US; therefore it will be the first time that this planet will return to its natal position. In about 12 years, long before it actually does return, it will make oppositions to all of the Cancer planets in the US chart. First, at 2 degrees, it will oppose Venus; at 5 degrees it will oppose Jupiter; at 12 degrees it will oppose the Sun. These transits will cause the country to make major changes in its core values, the Sun; in its monetary values, Venus; and in its foreign, educational, governmental and media values, Jupiter. This will, of course, take place over a number of years as Pluto is a slow moving planet. I consider Pluto a process planet, not an event planet, but the process begins this year.
At 2 degrees, when it opposes Venus, the planet of love, money and creativity, we will be forced into changing our pre-conceived ideas around these issues. Pluto will begin to awaken us at the end of January. It will retrograde back into Sagittarius in June, giving us a chance to re-evaluate our foreign and political affiliations for the rest of the year. It will not make the opposition to Venus again till February 2009, but don’t take lightly its message from January to June of this year.
Neptune, the planet of illumination or illusion, also a slow moving planet, will conjunct progressed Mercury in the 10th sector of the chart.
This is the sector that rules destiny. It is the highest part of the chart and rules all those in authority, the father, the president, etc. We will be given the opportunity to let go of our illusions about those in authority, and realize that they represent the collective consciousness of the country. What is wrong with the leaders is reflected from the populace. Mercury also rules the ascendant, how we project ourselves to the world. We have to change our image.
For those who use the Sibly chart, Neptune will conjunct the Moon, the planet of population and home issues. This will force those who are aware to become illuminated and those who are not aware to buy into an illusion.
On the chart that I use, this will occur at 24 degrees, from the end of April through May and June.
Uranus, the great awakener, will oppose the planet of illusion from May through August. We like to hold onto our illusions, but the freedom from them is well worth the jarring experience. While Uranus rules the Moon in the US chart, which represents the public; it also represents the housing market. Neptune rules gas and oil, pharmaceuticals and the film industry. It also rules things that are hidden. In the US chart that I use, it rules friendships and open enemies. The great thing about this opposition is that it is followed by a beneficial angle (trine) to Mercury. This planet rules communication, how we think and what we believe. Maybe this is the great awakening we have been waiting for. The trine occurs in April 2009.
Saturn, the planet of fear or wisdom, is challenging our freedom from December 2007 through January 2008. It returns in August 2008, forcing us to take action. Saturn makes this aspect once every 28 years. It offers us wisdom in September when it makes an angle to the Sun in the US chart.
Jupiter, known as the most beneficial planet, made an opposition to Venus in December of 2007. Now it will oppose Jupiter and the Sun from January 10 through February 17.
These oppositions challenge the US core values around money and resources.
I will update as the New Moons and eclipses occur and we will look at the election chart later in the year, it is a very unusual chart to say the least.

Stock Market Chart
The progressed Sun in the stock market chart will move into Capricorn in about 2 years, from where it will approach a beneficial trine to Venus. When this occurs it will bring a boom to the market, but this is a few years away. In the meantime we look at the slow long term planets for big effects.
This year we see Neptune, the planet of illusion or illumination, conjunct Pluto. Pluto already makes a tension friction aspect to Mercury in the stock market chart.
In the chart I use, Mercury is in the 9th sector, ruling foreign issues, governmental issues, and the media, while Mercury rules the mid-heaven, the destiny part of the chart. Mercury also rules the ascendant, how the market projects itself.
In Merriman’s chart, the Sun rules the ascendant, projecting a more dramatic picture to the world. Mercury is on the mid-heaven and, therefore, close to the 9th sector. Mercury rules part of the 11th, hopes, dreams and wishes; and the 2nd, self earned money and self-value. Both charts have Pluto in the 6th, health and work.
Neptune rules gas and oil, drugs, pharmaceuticals, anything to do with the sea, the film industry and the entertainment industry. Pluto rules death and destruction that is volcanic in nature. From Pluto’s destruction we always find fertile land. Pluto mundanely rules issues around death, taxes, investments and sexual issues. Because Pluto also rules the underworld, or under the earth., we get the combination of both planets with gas and oil. If Mercury rules communication and how we think, this aspect will destroy the old way of thinking and communicating, especially around 6th house issues. I believe the government will be forced into making changes with health care. Taxes will be a big issue, especially the inheritance tax, money that has already been taxed. The banking industry will also be forced into making changes.
The good thing is that, while this action is being forced by the square aspect, this Neptune/Pluto conjunction makes a beneficial aspect (trine) to Jupiter, the benefactor. It is because of this trine that the market has always recovered and done even better.
The last time this was activated was in 1845/1846. In this time period ether, was used publicly for the first time (Neptune) and Abraham Gesner developed the distillation of kerosene from crude oil in 1846..... The modern history of petroleum began in 1846
It looks like we have to re-invent our energy source. It is interesting to note that Neptune also rules the sea and we may find new uses for sea water both as in energy and in medicine.
This aspect is slow moving and we will see the results of this transit through 2008 and 2009. A touchy time for the market could come from the opposition of Uranus to Mars.
We had a preview of what these planets might do back in February of 2007. We will see this again in February/March of this year and again in November when this planet will station and turn, in exact opposition, making this a very volatile time. In June, the progressed Moon will oppose Mars and set the stage for the November opposition.
Mars is considered the war planet, while Uranus is sudden, unexpected and volatile. This is also the time of elections. As we look to the planet Saturn, do we receive fear or wisdom? Saturn always calls upon us to act with responsibility, wherever he transits in the chart. In October-November Saturn will conjunct Mars, while Uranus opposes it. Not a pretty picture. Let’s look to see if Jupiter will save the day or just exaggerate what is happening. Jupiter will be transiting Capricorn from where it will make some beneficial angles to Mars in March and June-July, which could give some beneficial relief. However, it comes back to join the party in November and it will be anyone’s guess who will benefit from it; but believe me, some will. After the elections Jupiter will make wonderful aspects to Mercury and the Sun in December.
I will update as New Moons and eclipses affect the chart during the year.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Magic and Miracles